InGA allows you to intelligently manage charging infrastructure in the distribution grid via a single interface – without the need to install additional communications infrastructure. Start using a future-proof solution today that is based on the FNN concept of the coordination function and works together with a control system using smart meters. Offer your grid customers an intelligent alternative to the time switch, which is compatible with Paragraph 14a of the German Energy Act (EnWG).

The challenge in integrating electromobility in a grid-supportive manner is controllability.
It is estimated that at the current rate of growth, there will be around 7-10 million electric vehicles on the road in Germany by 2030. This will be a challenge for the distribution grids in particular, as it is anticipated that increasing charging capacities and more concurrent charging operations will place an additional simultaneous demand for power as a peak load on local substations. Meeting these challenges, particularly at times of high grid feed-in, requires the charging infrastructure to be intelligently manageable via a standardized interface with a standard protocol.
Interfaces without InGA
Interfaces with InGA
InGA simplifies communication and reduces the number of interfaces to a minimum.
InGA allows the existing communication channel between the charging station or wall box and backend operator to be used to regulate charging operations in grid-critical situations. This allows you to communicate with different charge point operators (aggregators) and their charging stations in your grid via a single standardized interface – without having to make further investments in additional communications infrastructure.
- The DSO identifies a shortage, e.g. at the substation, and issues a 50kW power cap for the metering points concerned.
- InGA disaggregates this in a non-discriminatory manner based on installed capacity/grid connection capacity and DSO guidelines and passes this cap on to the aggregators.
- The aggregators distribute the available power to their own charging stations according to demand and confirm that the cap is being complied with. Afterwards, InGA confirms to the DSO that the cap has been complied with.
InGA is the only integrated solution that ensures customers are only regulated when required.
Electric vehicle charging that is both customer and grid-friendly? Not necessarily a contradiction in terms. Compared with statically programmed time switches or radio ripple control receivers, which limit customers irrespective of the actual grid load, InGA places the focus on the needs of the customer. Because restrictions for individual grid segments are distributed among participating aggregators by InGA in a non-discriminatory manner, room for optimization is created on the market side. If the aggregator knows the charging needs of its customers, it can soften the restrictions so that the impact on the customer remains minimal – if noticeable at all.
Practical, user-friendly, safe.
InGA features comprehensive functionality and a low set-up cost. The concept was validated for two years in the field as part of an R&D project and developed in conjunction with grid and charge point operators. A dashboard gives you a continuous overview of current and planned grid restrictions and analyses the available status and measurement data for you. The barriers to implementation are low, as no new infrastructure has to be installed and the solution can be used both for planned and dynamic grid control.
Invest in a future-proof solution.
InGA is a forward-looking, technology-neutral solution that already allows you to exploit additional flexibility in low-voltage systems, such as heat pumps and night memory, today. Based on the FFN concept of the coordination function, InGA is designed so that the benefits will also be realized in conjunction with the future coordination function and smart meter infrastructure.
Participating Aggregators
- Westenergie AG
- energis Netzgesellschaft mbH
Certified backends
- innogy chargetech GmbH, 100% Subsidiary of innogy eMobility Solutions GmbH