Is InGA a static or dynamic control solution? (DSO)

  • From the perspective of the charging infrastructure, control of the charging stations is always dynamic. This is because the distribution of the grid shortage across the affected CPOs is done in a non-discriminatory manner, and it is up to them to decide which metering points [or connected charging stations] they need to comply with the restriction. If, for example, no charging station is occupied, there is no restriction to pass on.
  • As a consequence, the DSO issues a dynamic regulation on the infrastructure side despite a possible planned intervention. That is one of the most significant advantages of InGA, since pool effects are approved on a per CPO basis (thus allowing the inconvenience for each user to be minimized)

What are the benefits for grid operators? (DSO)

  • Standardized interface for all CPOs in one’s own grid sector
  • Scalable, digital system for controlling charging infrastructure
  • Compatible with changes to Paragraph 14a of the German Energy Act (EnWG) and requirements to install SMGWs currently being discussed
  • DSOs can start gradually (planning) and make the system more dynamic as NS transparency increases.

What are the benefits for charging station/backend operators? (CPO)

  • Improvement of the existing cost basis by up to 15%, regionally variable depending on the tariff structure of the DSOs
  • Standardized interface for all one’s own charging stations with participating DSOs
  • Ready for future implementation of a control system as set out in new Paragraph 14a of the German Energy Act (EnWG)

Why does it make sense to participate in InGA today? (CPO, DSO)

Does InGA notify you when the BDEW traffic light changes to red?

CPOs must observe restrictions – non-compliance is identified via measurement data (the following day at the latest), documented and can be penalized accordingly.

Does InGA notify you when everything is OK? (Charging is being regulated)

A list of the metering points being controlled is compiled on a daily basis.

Do you give InGA a value or does InGA perform measurements at the substation?

You give InGA a value. Whether this is based on a set plan or is dynamically computed using actual measured values and forecasts is immaterial.

Why doesn’t InGA transmit real-time charging values (backend)?

  • Real measured values are not currently part of the legal framework set out in Paragraph 14a of the German Energy Act (EnWG). The recorded measurement data (at 15 min. intervals) is gathered to verify adherence to the restrictions
  • If there is sufficient interest on the part of the DSOs, it is planned to offer an additional service for CPOs that generates real-time (or near real-time data) – this will require further discussions between CPOs and DSOs. This can be represented in InGA without problem. Tests have shown that the system is in principle capable of actioning restrictions in under 30 seconds measured from the time the restriction is activated to the measurement value being returned

How much does it cost to use InGA? (CPO, DSO)

DSOs and CPOs must pay a fee to use InGA. For both partners, this is split into a fixed-costs portion and a metering/charging stations portion.

What is the impact of Paragraph 14a of the German Energy Act (EnWG) on the need to have a control capability? (DSO)

Current legal framework:

  • At the moment, participation in Paragraph 14a of the German Energy Act (EnWG) is voluntary and requires a separate metering point. Benefit for users: In the case of many DSOs, the standing charge for the meter is waived and savings of up to 4.5 ct/kWh can be realized (for every kW/h consumed, not just those during periods of regulation)
  • The DSO can choose the method of regulation itself (e.g. InGA, time switch, radio ripple control etc.)

How can InGA help with Paragraph 14a of the German Energy Act (EnWG)? (CPO, DSO)

Current legal framework

  • The DSO can offer InGA as a control option in addition to existing metrics (freedom of choice for grid customer)
  • Where InGA is used and the CPO participates, charging stations can already be controlled today, without SMGW – provided that the charging station/wall box is connected to a backend (e.g. eOperate etc.)
  • The connected load of the grid customer is stored and systematically taken into account
  • In the event that a shortage is identified by the DSO (how this is done is down to the DSO), this is split in a non-discriminatory manner amongst all affected metering points.
  • Verification of regulation using measurement data from the charging infrastructure

Could InGA have a negative impact on the subsidization of already installed charging infrastructure? (CPO)

  • As far as the current Federal Government subsidy programs for public charging infrastructure is concerned, it is not expected to have a negative impact on subsidization. Besides technical aspects, (such as compatibility with the LSV), the eligibility criteria are tied to organizational aspects such as physical accessibility of the charging station. These aspects remain unaffected by InGA
  • Using InGA does not affect the subsidy programs for private citizens run by the KfW bank – in fact, it is indirectly welcomed

What does “intelligent control” mean, and does it have to be implemented immediately?

Charging stations are considered intelligently controlled if they can be networked and integrated into the power supply system. Intelligent control can be either embedded in the charging station itself or implemented in a separate component, such as an energy management system.

Intelligent control does not have to be implemented right away. The charging station just has to be capable of being intelligently controlled via an interface. The aim is to promote “smart” charging infrastructure that includes the possibility of being controlled in the future.

This will naturally only happen if you have consented to it with your grid operator.

(Source: KfW)

How do I get the reduced grid usage fee as a charge point operator? (CPO)

  • Sign the EnWG Paragraph 14a agreement with a participating DSO and/or agree to the terms and conditions
  • Appoint an InGA-certified backend operator or encourage the backend operator to become InGA-certified. It is possible that the backend operator has to implement additional service modules in order to use InGA

How often will my customers be controlled? (CPO)

  • Controlling is only done in grid-critical situations in order to prevent a power outage
  • Few restrictions are expected at the moment, as EV penetration is still very low

How can participation in InGA be terminated? (CPO)

  • Terminate the EnWG Paragraph 14a agreement with the DSO while observing the notice period and/or terms and conditions
  • Terminate any supplementary agreement regarding participation with the backend operator while observing the notice period

Does InGA take into account whether EVs charge using single or three-phase power? (CPO, DSO)

  • No, since a restriction is issued for the total output per grid connection, not on a per phase basis.
  • Charging station/vehicle combinations that use ISO 15118 significantly increase the CPO’s flexibility and substantially reduce possible negative impacts on EV users